Peter L. Harjes, CFP, Speaks at AMAS in Washington, DC

The Power of
Premium Financing

We are proud to share that our very own Peter L. Harjes, CFP, was in Washington, D.C., as a speaker at the Advanced Markets and Advocacy Summit (AMAS), discussing perception vs. the reality of premium financing opportunities in life insurance.

Peter led a panel that provided the audience with a thorough understanding of how to use premium financing when offering insurance planning and advice. We are confident that after this session, the audience will be able to recognize that premium financing is not a high-risk strategy and evaluate why to use this tool and when.


Hosted in Washington, D.C., the Advanced Markets and Advocacy Summit is the premier gathering of the industry’s most sophisticated life insurance agents. Top life insurance producers and policy experts discuss everything from wealth transfer and business planning to retirement income planning and practice management and innovation. Additionally, attendees engage with policymakers and advocate for businesses as part of this one-of-a-kind advocacy experience.

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