Why Premium Finance is an Innovative Strategy to Acquiring Life Insurance

When it Comes to Your Life Insurance Premiums, You Now Have More Choice 

While your financial strategy may require you to purchase a large amount of life insurance, you may have some reservations about paying your premiums using your existing assets or current cash flow. For example, you may believe you can earn more on your money than you would pay in loan interest. You may have illiquid assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate or business assets, that you prefer not to access in order to fund your life insurance purchase. Or, perhaps you prefer to preserve your cash for other purposes. 

Whatever your individual circumstances may be, you do have an alternative: Premium Financing. It’s an innovative financial strategy designed to help individuals buy large amounts of life insurance for personal or business purposes, while leaving cash or other assets in place — or available to be used in other ways. 

So whether you are using life insurance for estate funding, philanthropic, or business planning purposes, you can now leverage the power of borrowed funds from a commercial lender to access the premium dollars you need — while you continue to acquire, grow, and preserve your other assets for your heirs or valued employees. 

ARI’s Premium Financing Platform is supported by alliances with strong, reputable lending institutions that have continued to extend credit in tight markets.

How you can put Premium Financing to work for you

ARI Financial’s professionals are poised to work with clients and their counselors to put an individually designed Premium-Financed strategy in place. 

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